
Character Improvisation Meets Real-Time Technology at PICTURE THIS_19


A paradigm shift in visual storytelling is underway and its name is virtual production. How does this new storytelling paradigm scale from massive blockbusters down to indie film production? Find out at PICTURE THIS_19 on October 1, 2019, when we plunge headfirst into a live virtual production experiment and learn from the creatives behind the first Danish live-action film ever to use the real-time tools for production.

Director Rasmus Kloster Bro (Cutterhead, 2019) and Simon Jon Andreasen, Head of Directors Education (Animation and Interactive) at the National Film School of Denmark will lead a live experiment at PICTURE THIS_19. Armed with actors, motion capture suits, real-time technology, and the latest know-how in the field of video sketches and story worlds, the duo will challenge themselves to create a producible visual concept in less than seven hours.

In this experiment, they will explore the creative potentials of real-time visualization in front of a live audience. An audience that provides input that the team must incorporate while they improvise characters and their story-arcs. The goal is to end up with a sketch of a dramatic scene, demonstrating the concept of the story and that can be iterated upon and produced.

The experiment is part of the ongoing artistic research projects of Kloster Bro and Jon Andreasen, funded by the Ministry of Culture, to rethink how we produce and develop film and how new technologies like motion capture, virtual cameras, and game engines can free creativity - even on a tight budget.

Case Study: The First Danish Virtual Production

The Danish children’s adventure Captain Bimse premiered in Danish cinemas this summer. It’s the first Danish live action feature film to use a game engine as a production tool and the director-duo behind the plane adventures of Captain Bimse, Thomas Borch Nielsen and Kirsten Skytte will share their experiences with the technology at PICTURE THIS_19.

Thomas Borch also took to the stage at last year’s conference to state one of the main goals of their ongoing production: To produce a film with Hollywood level visual effects on a small Danish budget. He now returns with his partner in crime to share what went well, what didn’t and why Danish productions should consider using the novel technologies in front of them. 

PICTURE THIS_19 takes place on October 1, 2019, at The National Film School of Denmark. More speakers will be revealed at picturethisconference.com; Twitter @picturethis_19; Facebook Picture This – Film Tech Conference.
In collaboration with Danish Film Directors, the members of the organization are eligible for a discount on the entry fee. Register here. 

PICTURE THIS_19 is coming to a venue near you! 

In collaboration with Filmtalent, Filmby Aarhus, Via Film & Transmedia, Aarhus Filmværksted, Odense Filmværksted and European Film College we are offering you a live transmission of the entire conference program at two venues located in Aarhus and Odense on October 1, 2019. Students from European Film College will be able to attend the live transmission in Ebeltoft. Find out more about your local venue and sign-up here.

PICTURE THIS_19 is initiated and financed by Nordisk Film Fonden and organized by Vision Denmark in collaboration with Copenhagen Film Fund, Film Workshop Copenhagen and the National Film School of Denmark.