
Store Isbjørn and Lille Isbjørn

The Nordisk Film Fonden's study grants for Danish film talents are allocated in portions of DKK 25,000, named Store Isbjørn, and DKK 10,000, named Lille Isbjørn. Annual allocation is approx. DKK 1,000,000

Our study grants: Store Isbjørn & Lille Isbjørn

We help Danish talents travel the world while studying to develop their skills, gain international experience and hereby contributing to the talents' further career paths.

Approximately 60 applicants per year receive the scholarship "Store Isbjørn" (DKK 25,000) or "Lille Isbjørn" (DKK 10,000). It is expected that a total DKK 1,000,000 can be granted in 2024.

Evaluation videos from people, we support

Tobias Horvath

Tobias Horvath | Lille Isbjørn rejselegat

Tobias Horvath

Andreas Drejer

Andreas Drejer | Lille Isbjørn rejselegat

Andreas Drejer

Metteline Ibsen - Store Isbjørn

Metteline Ibsen | Lille Isbjørn rejselegat

Metteline Ibsen


The Nordisk Film Fonden's travel scholarships for Danish film talents are allocated in portions of DKK 25,000, named Store Isbjørn, and DKK 10,000, named Lille Isbjørn. Annual allocation is approx. DKK 1,000,000. 


Nordisk Film Fonden works to strengthen talent in the film industry. The way to achieve this, is to help talents to travel out in the world where they can gather new knowledge and experience and through this excel their artistic and technical talents for the benefit of the individual and the film industry.

There are two deadlines per year

The next deadline is the 8th of August at 12PM (noon). Applicants can expect a reply from the Nordisk Film Fonden secretariat after the 1st of October 2024.

Who can apply & criteria
# You need to be a talent within the professional film industry and you need to document this by listing your career filmography / list of works you have worked on.
# You need to be tax resident in Denmark and have a CPR number. 
# Applications in relation to acting education/stage art will not be taken into consideration.
# We do not support studies in Denmark.
# We do not support inspirational travels, participation in festivals and award shows, or the making of films if it is not an integrated part of a course/your studies. 
# Your application must reach NFF before you start the course (short term studies) or start a new semester (long term studies) to be considered.
# Payment of Lille Isbjørn (DKK 10,000) only takes place after the evaluation video and the form has been send to
# It is possible to be selected for Store/Lille Isbjørn up to three times for the same study programme, provided that the degree is minimum 3 years.
# You can be selected for Store/Lille Isbjørn for the same study programme once during the NFF financial year.

Evaluation video & multiple choice questionnaire
If you receive Lille Isbjørn or Store Isbjørn, you agree to provide us with a max. 90 seconds evaluation video (smartphone format) where you - with artistic freedom - communicate about the experiences and output gained during your studies abroad. 
The video must be sent to Please name your video your own name and also write the name in the "message" area when using WeTransfer. 

It is moreover a requirement that the grant recipient makes a quantitative evaluation in the form of a "multiple choice" form with 10 questions. The form must be sent to

1. Hvilket legat søges?
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2. Personlige oplysninger
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